General Shipping Information
Please note there will be a slight delay in shipping due to the upcoming President’s Day holiday on Monday, Feb. 17th. Orders received after 2 pm HST on Thurs., 2/13 will ship on Tues., 2/18.
Regular Business Hours: Effective February 1st, we will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. HST and closed on Wednesdays, Fridays, weekends, and most major holidays. Please be sure to check back regularly for updated info that may affect schedules, shipping, etc.
Orders received by 3 pm HST Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays will typically ship the following business day.
Free shipping on orders of $120.00 or more.*
*Available to orders shipped to a single U.S. address. Not available for international orders.
For orders received after 3 pm HST or on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, shipping will be processed on the next business day. Please note that this will add processing time for orders, including those shipped via “FedEx”.
無料シッピング - アメリカ国内在住のお客様には、発送住所が一ヵ所で合計$120.00ドル以上ご購入頂きますとフェデックスの送料が無料となりますので、是非ご利用ください。
Shipping Large orders and Large Gift Boxes – due to size restrictions, larger orders and Large Gift Boxes do not qualify for shipping via USPS (Priority Mail/Med. Flat Rate). Please select FedEx as the shipping method for these items. If USPS (Priority Mail) is selected for large orders or those containing Large Gift Boxes, additional shipping charges may apply and your order may be delayed.
Please also note that the shipping rates for many items we sell are weight-based. To reflect the policies of the shipping companies we use, all weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.
International Shipments*
*International shipping available for select countries: We offer international shipping from our website to select countries. If you experience any difficulty in ordering to ship outside of the U.S., please contact us directly at [email protected] or call us at 888-886-6639 (toll-free) or 808-775-1000 (direct) so that we may assist you personally. For all international shipments, please inquire with your local customs office as to whether or not there are any restrictions on the importing of organic honey to your destination, and what, if any, taxes, fees and duties may apply.
私どもでは、全世界ほとんどの住所に発送が可能です。 しかしながら、いくつかの国・場所においてはハチミツの輸入に規制があります。アメリカ国内、カナダまたは日本以外の住所に配送ご希望の場合は、大変恐れ入りますが、輸入国の税関に、オーガニックハチミツの輸入が可能か否か、可能な場合の重さ・数量などの制限、輸入に関わる税金や通関料などをお客様ご自身でご確認下さいますよう、よろしくお願い致します。
Our carrier of choice for international shipments is FedEx International Economy, which may take approx. 4-6 business days. To discuss additional shipping options, please contact us by email at [email protected] or call toll us free at 1-888-663-6639.
国際配送にはフェデックス国際エコノミー便で約4‐6日ほど要します。 他の方法をご希望の場合は、[email protected] までお問合せください。